Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Before, during and after. The contemporary construction of events 121 We also performed a spatial analysis. In principle, we distinguish four spaces in which we sought to identify the actors/enunciators: the television sets, the Congress venue (through mediatization), the Plaza del Congreso (in front of the Parliament, where an ethnographic research was conducted), and the set of mediatization (social media, blogs, etc., which act as articulators of the different spaces). We knew that the “mediatization as a whole” would be central, and it would end up articulating those spaces, but we also considered the distinction essential. For the cross-sectional analysis, we were especially interested in determining what happened to those that were in the square, what type of content they generated, and what hashtags they published. And we were also interested in seeing what happened to those who published content even if they were not there. Finally, we sought to determine centrifugal circulation flows of meaning (from the event to the media systems and the social actors present at the Plaza), and centripetal (from the media systems to the event). It is a modality of cross-sectional analysis (from “inside to outside” and from “outside to inside”) that we have put into play especially for this object of study, and it allowed us to identify specific aspects of the contemporary construction of events. 3.2 Political and cultural framework: the polarization of Argentinian society To the extent that the event, in addition to its institutional nature, had a high political component, the analysis we carried out was based on the recognition of a current polariza- tion in Argentinian society clearly manifested in the presidential election held in October 2019. In that election, the Frente de Todos, whose list was headed by Alberto Fernández as a candi- date for president and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (who was previously president twice) as a candidate for Vice, triumphed over Juntos por el Cambio, which presented the then President Mauricio Macri as a candidate. On the other hand, this segmentation was not the only one that manifested itself during the event, which was marked