Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Before, during and after. The contemporary construction of events 127 Figura 5 3.5 After the event As always happens after events of such social magnitude, circulatory activity did not cease when the event ended. We highlight only some phenomena that interest us, especially in the framework of this work. Regarding hashtags, we are particularly interested in highlighting two phenomena. Political dimension: in the pre-construction of the event, the hashtags in favor of Frente de Todos (#TodosConAlberto and #AsambleaLegislativa2020) had taken the lead, but during the meeting and afterward, the production of the content generated by hashtags linked to Juntos por el Cambio increased. Cultural dimension: something similar happened in this hub, where, during the speech and afterward, the hashtag #LegalAbortion increased very significantly. We will analyze the pos-