Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Before, during and after. The contemporary construction of events 133 propriated the discourses and new discourses could circulate. Actually, it might be said that the real difference is that in the era of mass media circulation began when the event was concluded, when the after began, and that today circulation encompasses as a dominant phenomenon the three times of the event: before, during and after, and their relationships with each other12. Thus, what the new media system gave each viewer was the possibility of expressing themselves before and during. As always happens, the actors/enunciators, above all the politicians, learned: they went from appropriating after to pre- building (before) and generating counter-currents in the present time (during). More than that: they even learned logics that jump from one time to another, go beyond that distinction. Be- yond Art, welcome to contemporaneity. References BOLIN, Goran. Generational temporalities and rhythm analysis. Comunicazioni Sociali, Roma: Universitá Cattolica del Sa- cro Cuore, n. 2, p. 202-214, 2019. CALVO, Ernesto. Anatomía política de Twitter en Argentina: tui- teando #Nisman. Buenos Aires: Capital Intelectual, 2015. CARLÓN, Mario. Individuals, collectives and polarization in the unstable situation caused by mediatization and the circulation of meaning. In: Miditization, polarizatio and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation), 2021. Available at files/mediatization-polarization-and-intolerance.pdf. (Spanish version): Individuos, colectivos y polarización en la inestable situación generada mediatización y circu- lación contemporánea del sentido, Available at: https:// -intole rancia.pdf. CARLÓN, Mario. Bajo el signo del presentismo: mediatización, cultura y sociedad contemporánea. In: CARLÓN, Mario. 12 Analysis that proves that we are experiencing a circulation turn (DIRETORIA DE CISECO, 2017).