Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Circulation and capitalizing mediatization in hypermediatized societies 143 commodity as a material object, and the worker’s body” (FONTENELLE, 2020, p. 13). Relative theory understands spatio- temporal structures in another way, considering the distance between two sites as relative, depending on the type of transport used. If it’s by plane, time is very different than if done by ship. The exchange value in Marx operates according to this second theory, in relative space, “where goods and money are, constantly, put in motion” (ibid.). The third theory, relational, is the one that understands space-time as a product of matter and process, which is the fundamental domain of Marx’s theory since capital creates its particular space-time. For Fontenelle, this third conception is essential “to understand the reach of the conceptions of capital as value in movement and of value as a social relation internalized in the commodity (ibid.). These three spatiotemporal conceptions coexist in permanent dialecti- cal strain: “value in relational space-time depends on abstract work in absolute space-times of production, a domain of extrac- tion of surplus value. On the other hand, the relative space-time, where the exchange relations occur, and the commodity makes its ‘mortal leap,’ is what makes possible the materialization of value” (ibid., p. 14). The extraction of surplus value takes place in absolute space-time, where concrete work becomes abstract. For Fontenelle, communicational capitalism still depends on the creation of surplus value, as can be seen in the dependence of digital capitalism on precarious/uberized work. When labor becomes more expensive on a farm, the plant disappears to anoth- er corner: “This is what started to happen after the neoliberal reform that gained strength in the 1980s when this work, producer value-added, was moved to distant geographic regions” (ibid., p. 1 F 5 o ) n . tenelle’s text seeks to examine how branding plays a relevant role in this circulation of capital and the production of surplus value as an organizer in the relational space-time of value. Branding has had its rise amid twomajor transformations in capitalismsince the 1980s: the process of financialization (tempo- ral) and a revolution in logistics (spatial), both facilitated by new information technologies. These