Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Circulation and capitalizing mediatization in hypermediatized societies 149 that circulate through culture, appealing to an imaginary that touches the sensitive body. Fontenelle (2020, p. 303) speaks of an overlap between the forms of consumption through data flows and passions that circulate between the virtual and real worlds driven by the interests of technological capitalism that, in its turn, has ‘high levels of passionate con- sumer involvement’ (Kozinets et al, 2017, p. 678). The authors mapped what they call the desire production circuit - consumption of food or its images - in which consumers, software, algorithms, and corporations are involved in a complex and dynamic feedback system that results in a constant movement of circulation of consumer passions. For example, consumers share their desire for a particular type of food through an image. Other consumers react to this. Software and algorithms come into play and promote other connections involving food-related corporations, from agribusi- ness to supermarkets, specialty stores, and restau- rant menus. New images and products are offered, awakening new desires on the consumer in an infi- nite circuit. It is a process in which social networks have played a fundamental role in organizing and summoning our passions/drives. For McGowan (2004, p. 191), ours is the society of jouissance, which, to us, seems to be losing cohesion: “its symptoms (disconnection, incivility, etc) seem to indicate that, with the re- duction of the prohibition and the call to enjoyment, the social bond is in danger. We see this with the rise of the far-right and its dark subject program that appeals to a mythical era in which the superbody (the race, the sacred letter, the myth-leader) emerges, and the ensuing hate circuit around which the obscure hordes try to melt democracies. How to make this unlimited en- joyment stop? Back to an era with prohibitions? To the appeal of increasingly superegoic leaders? As McGowan says, the problem with the society of commanded jouissance (or, in my view, summoned) – what constitutes a danger