Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Lucrécia D´Alessio Ferrara 16 In this strain, one can observe that the concept of mediatization may go beyond the technological focus that seems to be central in the routine debates around contemporary communication; on the contrary, it is necessary to know how mediatization and technical means are related or connected. As a consequence, this presentation aims to align the relationship between the themes under debate and, most of all, to present the respective contributions to the development of a possible epistemology of com- munication, which considers mediatization as one of its central axes, alongside the already established as knowledge production and social process. Among these contributions, it is nec- essary to emphasize that the themes proposed came from the epistemological perspective of communication and, therefore, it is in this dimension that this presentation should consider them, that is, it is about verifying how they contribute to the produc- tion of knowledge in the area of communication, emphasizing, however, the contributions that result from the consequences of the phenomenal dimension of social processes. Analyzing the axis of the conferences presented, we observe that they can be understood in the arc of some core interests: learning, knowledge production, and circulation as sedimentations of a way of thinking, in addition to the respective consequences that result from the current fixed devices and mobile technologies. 2. Mediatization, knowledge, inferences Since the dawn of civilization led by Homo sapiens, knowledge seems to be led by reason and finds, in the propen- sity of learning, its central and irrefutable vector; in this sense, we understand that knowledge and learning are partners and mutually consequential elements. Now, the debates presented at the IV Seminar on Mediatization and Social Processes assume, as an axis of reflection, the production of knowledge, its circula- tion as mediatization, and, finally, the role of the University in that production. As this is an academic seminar, it seems natural that knowledge gets first decoded as learning; in this sense, me- diatization would be confused with displacements of knowledge