Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Circulation of faces: from the magic formula to resistance 161 ognition. In this way, thinking about circulation is turning to a complex web that goes beyond the product that circulates, the representational image itself, but one which involves the mean- ing attributed to the image, the conflicts in interactions. Thus, we can consider that researching communication today involves investigating circulation as a process of continuous flows, tenta- tive agency, and counter-agencement (ROSA, 2020b). That said, the focus of this text is on understanding how the “learning” of mediatization logics affects the circula- tion of meanings about the conflicts, especially the circulation of children’s faces. Our investigation case is constituted by a set of images in which children had their faces disclosed as opposed to a set of faces denied, thus, considered as non-impacting. In this sense, the provocation that we are raising here, in an explor- atory way, divides into two axes: 1) how do mediatization logics affect the display of children’s faces as symbols of conflict? and 2) how does the attribution of value in interactions, hence circu- lation, demand new tactics to constitute a condition of visibility? 2. The case of images and faces The configuration of this work’s investigation case articulates with the proposal of a mediatized case because the na- ture of what we observe, although inserted in the media, does not limit itself to what happens in this space but focuses on interactions and developments, like those that Carlón (2017) in- vestigates regarding an analytical dispositif3. The observables exposed here develop intra and intermedia circulation movements (FERREIRA, 2013); however, they expand to other com- 3 In this sense, the research we propose here dialogues with the work that Carlón has developed on the circulation between systems in ascending and descending movements. The central difference lies in the autonomy of the subjects who negotiate with the hegemonic media space but do not necessarily intend to do so. In a debate at the International Seminar on Mediatization Research (2020), Carlón questioned the relationship between social networks and mass media. In our view, there is a complex overlap. It is not a question of excluding one media dispositif or another, nor of considering that there are overlaps, but rather that activists have internalized negotiation logics, typical of mediatization, and, based on them, started to produce discourses and movements on social media, as parallel activities of power that do not depend on the media, but which involve contact tactics already didacticized. Even such tactics reach the media, like the case of the White Helmets in Syria.