Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

179 Epigenetics of media processes Pedro Gilberto Gomes1 Abstract: We are at the emergence of a social problem that con- stitutes a new object of research: the need to seek the hidden codes of media processes. In this perspective, a fundamental question arises and guides the work: how does man, by creat- ing new codes, question the meaning of his life to program and control human actions and the function of machines (ROSNAY, 2018, p. 31)? Taking into account the transposition of the gene to meme, from genetics to mimetics, epigenetics as a science underlying genetics, it is possible to call it epimimetics, a science underlying mimetics, whose function would be to study the transmission of memes in society (Cf. ROSNAY, 2016, p. 20). Within the perspective of societal epimimicry, what are the memes that characterize media processes and make up the DNA of mediatization? Joël de Rosnay calls this situation prosumer (English word formed from producer and consumer) (Rosnay, 2016, p. 95). We are facing a new environment that conditions society and people, it qualifies the DNA of media processes. It is what we call the mediatization process. Keywords: Epigenetics. Media Processes. Mediatization. Epimi- metic. Ambiance. Prosumer. 1. Introduction The research path made it possible to find some transversal themes that permeate mediatization studies today. They 1 Professor at PPGCC-UNISINOS. ORCID: LATTES: E-MAIL: pgomes@