Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Pedro Gilberto Gomes 184 tions from science and practices related to oral or written language to understand the activity of biomolecules: code, expres- sion, silence, editing are some of these concepts23. Assuming that the DNA of media processes is composed of the SPEAKER–DISCOURSE–LISTENER trinomial, it is possible to apply the meme theory to explain the evolution of these processes24. Considering that epigenetics is a change in gene expression without altering the DNA sequence25, we will ap- ply this concept to media processes. It is relevant to look for virtual memes that, acting under mimetics, qualify the reality of communication, changing genetic expression and structuring the perspective of society in mediati- zation without altering the DNA sequence. Media processes have two faces: one perceptible to all; another submerged, that quali- fies them and determines their action in society. The latter, to be perceived and studied, requires further reflection. Our work intends to seek the virtual genes (memes) of media processes. I bring here the position of an author I extensively worked on: Pierre Teilhard de Chardin26. This French thinker, theologian, biologist, and paleon- tologist says: Now, of course, I think, first of all, of the extraordi- nary network of radio and television communica- tions that currently link us all in a kind of ethereal co-consciousness, perhaps anticipating a direct at- tunement of the brains through the still unknown forces of telepathy27. 23 Cf. RODRÍGUEZ, Pablo Esteban. “La semiosis “social” de las biomoléculas.” In: La Trama de la Comunicación, Volumen 23 Número 1, Anuario del Departamento de Ciencias de la Comunicación. Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Inter- nacionales, Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Rosario, Argentina. UNR Editora, enero a junio de 2019, p. 67-87. 24 Cf. supra, note 20. 25 Cf. supra, note 11. 26 FAXINA, Elson; GOMES, Pedro Gilberto. Midiatização. Um novo modo de ser e viver em sociedade. São Paulo: Paulinas, 2016, p. 117-128; GOMES, Pedro Gilberto. Dos meios à Midiatização. Um conceito em evolução. Edição bilíngue português/ inglês. São Leopoldo: Editora UNISINOS, 2017, p. 105-123. 27 CHARDIN, Pierre Teilhard de. El porvenir del hombre. Madrid: Taurus, 1962, p. 205.