Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Epigenetics of media processes 185 Associated with the media, it brings to mind what he calls the insidious rise of calculating machines which, for Char- din, came to relieve the human brain of an irritating and exhaust- ing work and increase in us the essential factor of the speed of thought, preparing a revolution in the research field28. In this case, he severely disapproves of media critics, stating: all these advances, and so many more, make a de- termined philosophy grin. Commercial machines - rumor has it machines for people in a hurry to save time and money. Blind, and more than blind, it is what I want to tell them. How can they not re- alize that these material instruments, ineluctably linked to one another in their manifestation and development, are, after all, nothing but the lines of a particular kind of super-brain capable of rising to dominate some super-field in the Universe and in thoughts29? Although he does not mention it explicitly, there are flashes in Rosnay’s positions that resemble Teilhard’s ideas half a century ago. Rosnay presents three complementary perspectives to highlight better the relationship between science, tech- nology, society, and the impact on man30: reticulation, co-evolu- tion, and connection. For him, they are keywords in the reflection on the subject. The first encompasses the role of the microcom- puter in the formation of planetary networks of interpersonal communication. The second relates to the synergy effects that lead to convergent technological evolutions. The third, in its turn, underlines the importance of in- terfaces between machines and between machines and people. Paraphrasing the author, from a socio-communicational perspective, we must innovate in our systems of analyzing 28 Cf. ibid. 29 Ibid. 30 ROSNAY, Joël. Le cerveau planetárie, p. 18.