Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Pedro Gilberto Gomes 188 and consumer) 36. We are facing an environment that conditions society and people, qualifies the DNA of media processes. It is what we call the mediatization process. Some advocate its end37. That is not the case here. The advent of social media provided the independence of social actors from the domain of media logic. Thus, it is per- missible to speak of the end of mediation, as each actor domains and controls the interrelation with other strata of society. As we have already developed in several places38, we are no longer facing the phenomenon of the use of technological devices to transmit the message, nor as mediators of the individuals’ relationship with reality. On the contrary, the develop- ment of digital media is creating a new ambiance that, in turn, gives rise to another way of being in the world. The consequence is that, instead of seeing the end of mediatization, we are just on the threshold of its full development. Which society will be born? What way of life will we establish? That only time and its evolution will tell. However, we can raise some clues. Paradigms that used to explain reality now no longer can handle the mis- sion. Concepts such as participation, presence, interaction are re-signified by a generation that is already born within social media. Interrelationships are changing. Society no longer dis- penses with social networks; it changed the way of being in the world. From the perspective of a new ambiance, this topic has not yet been sufficiently explored, as it goes further than a mere reflection on the media and its role in society. The concept of ambiance is a consequence of a change of time in history when the question39 of mediatization40 comes to light. The dimension of media processes transcends individual facts, microphenom- 36 ROSNAY, Joël, 2016, p. 95. 37 For example: SCHULZ, Winfried. The end of mediatization. The International Symposium “Political communication at a crossroads: An International Encyclo- pedia”. Milano, 17 March 2017. 38 FAXINA; GOMES, 2016; GOMES, 2017. 39 See the work FERREIRA, Jairo; GOMES, Pedro Gilberto; FAUSTO NETO, Antônio; BRAGA, José Luis; ROSA, Ana Paula. Between What We Say and What We Think: Where is Mediatization? Santa Maria: FACOS, 2019 (e-book). 40 The following reflections were drawn from the article “Como o processo de midiatização (um novo modo de ser no mundo) afeta as relações sociais?” In: