Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Epigenetics of media processes 189 ena, and points to collective aspects, macrophenomena, collective social construction from the process of a society in a state of mediatization. The question is: how to approach the media process - today understood as mediatization and a generator of a new ambiance? The society in mediatization constitutes, in this per- spective, the cultural mix where the different social processes take place. It is an ambiance, a new way of being in the world, which characterizes society today. What I call hidden codes are not abstractions but those epigenetically found in the environment where media phenomena work, whose elaboration and dynamization occur under the injunctions of media processes. Thus, these hidden codes articulate with the ambiance (its processes and materialities) of mediatization. They would be a kind of text housed in a (con)text of semiosis. Our proposal41, therefore, is to unravel the hidden codes and, phenomenologically, make them emerge from the analyst’s work42. The necessary methodological procedures will operate on two levels: processes and material of media phenomena. It would be a phenomenology of the signs of their intelligibility, a path that goes frommaterials to the structures that engender the findings. Consequently, hidden codes are involved in the materi- ality of media processes so that they can be named by reading, activated by the research device. Considering that in the great iceberg of media processes, from the perspective of societal mi- metics, memes signify the submerged part, the question about the influence they exert on the configuration of mediatization makes sense. In order to observe this action, an incursion will be made to academic texts working with media processes, analyzing them beyond the phenomenon, through a reflection that we call meta-media43. BRAGA, José Luiz et al. Dez Perguntas para a produção de conhecimento em comunicação. São Leopoldo: Ed. UNISINOS, 2013. 41 I say proposition because it is a research project under construction. 42 About the phenomology, see the work FAXINA; GOMES, 2016, p. 39-70. 43 In an analogy to the phenomenon of metaphysics (metá tá phsica) that seeks to reflect on what makes beings be; that is, what makes the entity to be.