Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Jairo Ferreira 200 There is an energetic universe that, like a halo, triggers us. It is hard to access because it has not materialized. In addition, there is an (immense) universe of imaginary and symbolic, conscious, subconscious, and unconscious meanings that do not manifest materially in a given conjuncture or for several years, decades or centur H ie o s w . ever, for more than a century, social epistemology has already defined two central universes of our experiences: the unconscious (object of id psychologies) and the conscious (ego psychologies). If the first is analogical, the second is logical. The media materialize these two experiences in a non-linear way, ranging from aesthetic manifestations to forms of intelli- gibility that may be rationalized in logical systems and understood by many as a rationalization of human experience. The fact that the reflective (epistemological) matura- tion of the species has only become aware of this relationship in the contemporary world, based on achievements in media such as books, newspapers, radio, television, and social media, dem- onstrates a Marx’s maxim: the anatomy of man is the key to the anatomy of the ape. Bringing it to the contemporary, we consider that the algorithmic medium agencies the platforms, being able to reveal the secret of the medium. There is also another aspect: the empirical investiga- tion in the lineage does not cover all forms of materialization of the mental experience; only what is or erupts in the public space, through the actions of individuals or actors located in the private sphere or the space of specialist fields, is the object of the empirical investigation of mediatization on the perspective proposed here. This frontier between public, private, and specialist spaces is movable (as can be seen today with the public access to what is private – WhatsApp messages publicization – or specialists field – publicization of “classified” State documents via new digital media). Even in the current situation, it is relevant to con- sider that an immense universe of material signs constructed by the species is restricted to the private universe or to specialist fields, which differ and define access rules. They are potential public objects. They are kept in social and psychological vaults of several levels, relatively sealed. Before the irruption (rupture