Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Mediatized semiosis and power: interfaces for thinking about algorithmic means and platforms 213 fications and disputes also around the constructed social imaginaries and realities. Here, the importance of problematizing the imaginary and the real is emphasized, and the understanding of power not only as a process derived from logic, schemes, and related structures, even when thought of as social constructions. For this, first, Peirce’s perspective is necessary to over- come a conception of semiosis that is mediated and restricted to the symbolic (the interpretant), locating it in the dynamics of interpenetrations with the first (or the imaginary) and the real (the index), as we indicated above. But not only that. It is essential to understand, as Lacan’s reflections allow us to infer, that perversion is a fourth that intertwines in these relationships. That is, power is not born from logic, schemes, or structures per se but from something that is transversal to the imaginary, the real, and the symbolic, as perversion, an authority that desig- nates itself among the possibilities of semiosis, sanctioning what is authorized, but limited, however, since it its submitted to the recognition process, generating, in these relations, phenomena that we analyze as circulation. Considering this reformulation, where is the impor- tance of Bourdieu if we, then, integrate the question of the imag- inary, the real, and the symbolic? In emphasizing that the classification struggles of signs are carried out through signs, consti- tuting cultural, political, and economic habituas. However, if the struggle is also a struggle ‘between imaginary’ and ‘real’, crossed by versions of authority (of being an authority or wanting to be one; by placing oneself as the final interpretant, but also by ac- tivating imaginaries and building realities – false or true), there will always be, in the conflicts of meaning, power, and possibil- ity of conjunctural transformations and regressions, and not just reproduction, manifested in cultural, economic, and political habitus – materializing in different chapters, thus distributed. 4. The hypothesis: algorithms as a new symbolic power, agent of imaginaries and realities Although this semantics (the algorithm) is only made explicit in the contemporary world, the phenomenon is central