Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Jairo Ferreira 214 to the process designated as specifically human. From a semiotic perspective, the algorithm is a social, mental, and material construct related to inferential operations (deductive, induc- tive, and abductive). These inferential logics (abduction being a quasi-logic) result from a process that has its origin in the dif- ferentiation of the species in relation to other animal and living species. It is not a unique quality of the so-called human species. It is a quality of all living species, from corona virus to human. All species also develop abductive processes central to adapting to the unique interactions they are challenged with. The specific form of abduction of the species is a central object for reflection on what type of adaptation to the environment we develop in relation to the adaptation forms of other species. One way of interpreting this species-specific adapta- tion has been the human ability to operate abductions at the interfaces between various logics, including the logics of other species. The material language seems to be central in this pro- cess. Thus, it is not just a question, for the agents, of capturing an interpretant among those available in the culture, but in addition of developing non-available logic by interfacing various available logic. In these moments, which are not only present in the great scientific abductions but also in culture, the agent becomes the subject. When he uses the available interpretants, he is patient. These are two polar situations, which, in social prac- tices, present themselves in various forms of balance and imbalance. That is, an agent can be more subject or more subjected. Between these two polar shades there are intermediate tones with all possible palettes. That is, material algorithms are logics that exist, above all, in the social sphere (culture, economy, and politics), with rules and operations central to the differentiation of the species in relation to other organic species. Mediatization is, in this sense, not only the materialization of imaginaries and rep- resentations of reality; mainly, it is the long process of building material algorithms, which occupy, in the contemporary world, the agency place of media machines and their contents (content industry), indexers (classifications of cultural offerings) and interactions (with audiences and among other audiences). In this management carried out by media, algorithms carry out and