Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

219 The making of a critical mindset. Ideal media students in times of deep mediatization Michael Forsman1 Abstract: One often suggested response to deep medialization is media literacy. In this article, this ideal for the qualification and socialization of future media citizens is suggested to, at least ideally, be combination of critical thinking and critical con- sciousness. This approach to the current media ecology is rel- evant not only to compulsory education but also to university courses in media and communication studies. In this article the trope “critical mindset” is used in an argumentation for a com- bination of classical and individual critical thinking skills, collaborative civic media literacy work and digital competence for media and communication studies to meet the interests of new generations of students as well as to meet new demands in the internal world of higher education. Keywords: Media literacy. Critical mindset. Critical thinking. Critical consciousness. Introduction When media is everywhere and everything can be mediated, anything can be a medium (DEUZE, 2014; LIVING- STONE, 2014) and when platformization, data and AI (HEPP, 2020) is becoming more and more integrated into every systems of human communication and knowledge production we need to ask: How can we best protect and empower, prepare 1 Professor of Media and Communication Studies at Södertörn University, Es- tockolm, Sweden. ORCID: E-MAIL: