Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

The making of a critical mindset. Ideal media students in times of deep mediatization 229 al to social capacities. Here Barnett puts emphasis on the importance of the existence of a critical space for the cultivation of the critical thinker; critical thinking is a social process, where ideas and self-critical reviews are reflected an developed in other the light of other perspectives and voices (c.f. BROOKFIELD, 2012). This ideal for a self-sufficient learning subject who lives a life “free from the unwarranted and undesirable control of unjustifiable beliefs” (SIEGEL, 1988, p. 58) sounds like an ide- al. However, for Barnett, the main thing with the critical thinker (and critical thinking) is that there are objects (propositions, theories) that are connected to a system of knowledge (e.g. me- dia studies). Barnett also remarks that the critical subject, is a someone who know how and is willing to engage critically with the external world, with systems of knowledge, and with them- selves, since critical thinking should demonstrate itself in the ex- ternal world through critical action. Based on this, Barnett point out three domains of the critical being (knowledge, self, world) and he distinguishes three forms of criticality (critical reason, critical self-reflection, critical action). Barnett (1997, p. 69). It can all be described in a figure (fig. 1). Fig 1. A higher education for critical being (BARNETT, 1997, p. 70) 11 Fonte: Barnett, 1997, p. 70. Vamos agora completar esta parte do artigo aplicando a figura de Ba a mídia e ao letramento midiático. A razão crítica poderia ser usada Student Critical selfreflection Critical action Critical reason Let us now round off this part of the article by applying Barnett’s figure to media education and to media literacy. Criti- cal reason could be used to r fer to disciplinary competences