Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

The making of a critical mindset. Ideal media students in times of deep mediatization 231 responds” (ibid, p. 44). In other words, this non-alienated form of self-awareness and understanding yourself as a social and his- torical subject (CHRISTENS, 2015), with a capacity for concrete and communal action in connection with others, is based on perceptions and realizations of social and political contradictions. This consists of reflections and actions and refers to an emancipatory epistemology that is based on empowerment and self-authorization, that can address matters of oppression, social injustices, and illegitimate forms of power (see KELLNER, SHARE, 2007; 2019). The greatest barrier to this “awakening” is ingrained and fatalistic beliefs in the inevitability or necessity of (an unjust) status quo. To disintegrate these myths and manipulations one needs to go from a naïve consciousness to a transitive consciousness. A transitivity consciousness makes man permeable and re- places disengagement with total engagement (FREIRE 1974, p. 14). This can be done with the help of a “language of possibilities” (GIROUX, 1994) and with the means of action, creativity, art etc. To reach this stage it is not enough with merely critical thinking, as a technique for rational decisions and evaluations. For Freire, this process takes place via an in-depth interpreta- tion of real-life problems and with the help of critical pedagogy, that starts with the recognition of societies current and historical mechanism for oppressive, and how these mechanisms are related to one’s own life. The basis for this awareness to grow is the understanding of the systems inner contradictions (CHRISTENS, 2015). The task of critical pedagogy is thus to bring members of oppressed groups into a critical and transitive consciousness (BURBULES; BERK, 1999) by focusing on social injustice, and on how to transform inequitable, undemocratic, or oppressive in- stitutions and social relations. This pedagogical discourse goes beyond the principles from the critical thinking movement since it is based on anti- authoritarianism, and the ability to take con- structive action in relation to education and to society at large (GIROUX, 1994; DAVIES, 2015). Unequal power, disenfranchised and underprivileged or voiceless groups and aim to work against an unjust social, economic, and political circumstances and the perpetuation and legitimation of status quo, are other objects of investigation and critique.