Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Michael Forsman 232 In the discourses surrounding critical consciousness, the goal is not just to cultivate an individual’s personal develop- ment as a critical thinker, but to use higher education to unveil and overcome restrictive and repressive social conditions and thought systems. This educational venture is guided by passion and politics and have the ambition to help students develop a consciousness of freedom, where they also recognize authoritarian tendencies, and find the ability to take constructive action in relation to education and society at large (GIROUX, 1994, c.f. DAVIES, 2015, p. 69). So, instead of focusing on specific belief claims, faulty propositions to assess for their truth content, voic- es within the movement of critical pedagogy as: who benefits from this, who are making these assertions, why is this done at this point in time, who funds it, and who promulgates these find- ings? (ibi I d n .). Education for Critical Consciousness (1974) Freire argue that we can only become aware and knowledgeable in ac- cordance with how far we are willing to problematize what is natural and set as a cultural and historical facts. It is through this critical perception that “men discover their temporality” (p. 3) and can “free themselves from their chains”. One part of the route to this awakening, is a pedagogical dialogue, based on the participants’ own experiences of their being-in-the-world. For Freire, it is through this movement that an “integrated person” can emerge. He contrasts this with “the adaptive person” whom he regards as an “object” to the prevailing system. He also un- derline that freedom and justice also must be derived from the basis of practices, within the frameworks of an ongoing historical struggle, and here we find some notable differences between the critical thinking skills movement and the critical pedagogy movement, since the latter som strongly emphasis action, in an urge for personal, social and political reformation, also within the educational system. 9. Conclusions I have in this article built a case around the trope “critical consciousness” with the aim to open a discussion between