Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

The making of a critical mindset. Ideal media students in times of deep mediatization 233 media departments, on different continents around on how the “ideal media student” is imagined in terms of the development of critical capacities. I have showed that there are elements in the tradition of critical thinking, that can be connected to a discussion around critical consciousness and critical pedagogy but there are also large differences. At a broad level, the Critical Thinking Movement (CTM) and the Critical Pedagogy Movement (CPM) share a concern for inaccuracies, distortions, and false- hoods that can limit the freedom of thinking. There are some shared concerns and some similarities between The Critical Thinking Movement (CTM) and The Critical Pedagogy Move- ment (CPM). Both imagine that the general population in society to a certain extent is limited in their abilities and dispositions to see inaccuracies, distortions, falsehoods. Both “schools” also think that education based on a critical imperative is essential to addressee and solve these matters. In this sense both Critical Thinking and Critical Pedagogy authors would argue that by helping to make people become more critical in thought and ac- tion, progressively minded educators can help learners to see the world as it is and to act accordingly. However, they also difference in their “critical spirit”. The aim and scope of CTM is to use reasonable and rational reflection to cultivate critical thinking skills and dispositions. The purpose and agenda of CTM is to create better thinkers in rela- tion to a wider social and political context, but the scope of CPM is to even create public intellectual, activists and help emanci- pate people from oppressive conditions under the capitalist sys- tem, in the basis of protest and political praxis that can come overcome oppression and relations of domination. The Critical Thinking tradition focus on the individual cognitions and is interested in recognizing faulty arguments, hasty generalizations, lack of evidence. Truth claims are based on unreliable authority, ambiguous or obscure concepts. The main problem stated, is that people choose to live an irrational, illogical, and unexamined life which partly has to do with a lack of (the right) information, facts, knowledge. CTMwant to to sup- plant sloppy and distorted thinking with thinking based on reliable procedures of inquiry, and epistemologically based on real- ism. While, the strive for critical consciousness through critical