Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Antonio Fausto Neto 272 1. Introductory Note This article develops reflections on the relationship between the university and the pandemic from aspects of me- diatization affecting its architecture, logic, and links with the so- cial organization, in addition to practices that involve teaching, researching, and knowledge sharing. Its model, until then struc- tured around the interactional matrix of “doing together,” gives way to new exchange possibilities, according to interpenetrating dynamics, involving different social practices. These scenarios allow us to affirm that the ongoing mediatization tunrs the uni- versity into a complex interactional matrix, offering, receiving, and intertwining knowledge according to social discourses, whose operations highlight it as a kind of “significant machine.” The route developed here intends to examine, albeit in a condensed way, some aspects that involve the “landing” of the pandemic in the university fabric from three communication matrices that involve: the postulates of mediation; their practices permeated by mediatization logics and operations; and the intertwining of the first two. We, particularly, highlight, as a more recent aspect, the marks of the interpenetration of the pandemic in the university caused by mediatization as a “com- munication fact,” drawing attention to the impact they have on the study and research projects, experiential and laboratory learning processes; interaction with other systems; and forms of cooperation with society. In short, we reflect on the condition of the university as a place that generates observational and interactional processes woven according to communication foun- dations and practices (WESCHENFELDER et al., 2021). When we draw attention to the pandemic as a communicational issue, we recall that the spread of AIDS in the last years of the past century was strongly associated with “mass media” discursive matrices. They constituted “intermediate links” of its discursivization according to rules and strategies linked with informative logic, pointing to the uniqueness of its existence and manifestation as a “current disease,” that is, something that was made discourse, according to media-journalistic enunciations. Now, the pandemic also maintains relationships