Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Antonio Fausto Neto 278 practices could exert on others – via persuasive communication strategies – offering them nods, values, and meanings about mo- dernity. Currently, such causal principles prevail, but they oper- ate without the persuasions of the time, like the mediations and their cooperative potential. In their place, other operators stand out according to socio-technical-communicational matrices and injunctions, whose effectiveness is formed around another modality of causal action. If, in the past, this rested on the attribu- tion of power of influence of the giver over the receiver, in cur- rent times, the causal principle – and its splinters, as effects of convergence action – is maintained, only changing its operators as well as the foundations of logics of the actions used by them. Thus, the combination of techno-communicational instances would constitute a matrix and ambiance, at the same time that a new form of social action would be weaved, no longer based on mediation, but on new interfaces of techno-communicational protocols (FAUSTO NETO, 2016). Shortly, here, we set indications on the debate about the effects of (communication) technologies on social practices, especially those of an educational nature. The category of conver- gence stands out as an analytical operator, but it neglects the fact that social processes, besides dynamic, are also complex since the effects of technologies and their manifestations are not uni- laterally produced once they are permeated by logics and opera- tions that escape the deterministic boundaries of the rationality of convergence. In addition to a triumphalist discourse – such as the one that sold the central theories about capitalism in past centuries – in the context of social practices, other formulations draw attention to the problem of the conditions of offers, uses, and appropriations of media practices and messages. Readings from several lineages already indicated a mismatch between the assumptions of messages offer and appropriation due to differ- ent logics and operations that guide the interactional process (production and reception) based on postulates of differences. It is an interactional dynamic organized around grammars and messages, whose logics that enunciate them, because they differ, do not make it possible to think what kind of meanings will be produced according to a matrix of convergence, therefore, sym- metrizing. Meanings result from complex feedback, hence think-