Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

The pandemic intertwining with mediatization 279 ing that the conditions of production and recognition always operate according to dynamics of discontinuities (BATESON, 1987). It also means that there is no convergence – in terms of meanings – contemplating, in an equivalent way, the enunciative situations of production and reception of messages. This restric- tion allows us to conclude that the production of meaning does not occur from the perspective of a causal expectation but, on the contrary, from dynamics of unpredictability (PRIGOGINE, STINGERS, 1984). Analytical perspectives from several lineages have examined the effects of techno-mediatization on social organiza- tion, according to analysis that go beyond an extensional view of the communicational system on other social systems. The singularities and complexities of communication technologies are highlighted, spreading themselves, via ongoing mediatiza- tion, on the structuring of social organization and its practices. And they draw attention to the emergence of communication processes enunciated according to complexities that go beyond the forms of mediation and the effects of the splinters of convergence, linking, in other ways, the relationships between institu- tions and between them and individuals. We briefly emphasize the notion of mediatization as a phenomenon of complexification of social organization, accord- ing to how technologies enter society, mixing, in a complex way, according to significant aspects of social functioning, and instituting relationships that, by nature, are complex and non-linear (VERÓN, 1986). The effects of this entry are manifest in the rou- tines of practices of several kinds, such as those of the university, which, according to negotiation and rituals forms, welcomed the practices and knowledge of this new culture of convergence, linking them to its teaching routines, search, and extension. However, we cannot ignore that the convergence theory under- stands mediatization in a different and, therefore, problematic way. Despite dealing with contemporary objects and phenomena, such as those of a media nature – it is linked to functionalist inspiration as well as causal perspectives with a deterministic backgrou I n n d t . he following item, we initially highlight some marks of the transformation of the university’s management and prac-