Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Antonio Fausto Neto 280 tices, according to aspects that go beyond the principles of convergence, drawing attention to the effects of techno-communica- tional processes already in the context of the ongoing pandemic, considering the mediatization processes that complexify social organization and its conditions of communicability. c) The tech o-mediatization of the university It is the current period (perhaps at its threshold) in which planning, management, communication matrices in ad- dition to other specific practices are being “contaminated” by organizational, advertising, and public relations postulates and based on corporate management of deterministic inspiration. These are modalities whose operations generate a new communication matrix, replacing one of “doing together,” of contact, for another based on connectionism. The new academic designs ad- vocate another procedure to be performed by university actors, especially professors and researchers. New worksheets involve services indicating the action of consultants who also bring in tow not only methods but the problems to be researched and implemented. Graduate research loses its autonomy as it starts to be managed by managerial matrices, external to university logics, according to protocols of new evaluation systems. According to these new angles, what becomes of interest are not necessarily the researched problems but their results in terms of the impacts that the indices estimate on the university performance in the context of competing institutions. Quality criteria are reduced to the grades the programs must obtain, following metric-quantitative criteria that try to prefix the optimal notion of academic productivism. The issue, therefore, does not involve the problems investigated but the grade to be obtained, which must be in line with the expectations of the current evaluation system. About the introduction of this new culture at the univer- sity, in a recent and extensive report published this year, a Euro- pean newspaper examines the conditions of evaluation of the research production that the university develops, drawing atten- tion to what it calls “deleterious effects” on the quality of the uni- versity research and the careers of researchers. It stresses that “the article became a kind of currency unit that was dramatically