Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Antonio Fausto Neto 282 referring to the behavior of the students, he believes that, at present, the new pedagogical position seems to no longer inte- grate into the situations of dialogue with the professor, as ex- pressed still by the answer given by him to his own question: “Because everyone has the knowledge that is advertised entirely at their disposal, in their hands [...] accessible via the internet, Wikipedia, cell phone, on countless sites. [...] No one needs the spokespeople of the old days anymore unless they are one of them, original and rare [...]. It is the end of the age of knowledge” (SERRES, 2013, p. 46). In other words, the end of an interactional modality of exchange is decreed, highlighting the burial of binding contact as a learning-together device and the subject’s autonomy to learn at his own risk inmediatization scenarios. Regarding the changes in the habits of large digital companies with data generated by university institutions and/or their members, it should be of note that they are no longer just data managers since, in a unilateral way, the human experience is transformed into raw material for translation of behaviors (ZUBOFF, 2020). Differently from what happens on platforms, the scientific work consisted of reflections on how the research was carried out dai- ly. In addition to highlighting the singularity of temporality, an interactional dynamic was forged in the interchangeability and horizontality of processes, generating experiences (LATOUR; WOOLGAR, 2000), pointing to an interactional dynamics that was forged around interchangeability processes co-generators of scientists’ experiences, in a situation of reflective confronta- tion. Something different, therefore, of “interpretation clubs,” a matrix that is generated, without a visible face of its parts, according to a protocol resulting from agencies without necessari- ly having its life installed in the culture of university laboratories and in its relationships with society in broader terms. From these scenarios described, a connective fabric is formed in which the mediational activity gives rise to new forms of interaction of intense processes of transformation of technologies into means, all social practices are affected by these, resulting in a social organization – or a new ambiance (GOMES, 2015), whose interactional processes build and function as they are called, in current jargon, platforms. Not being able to discuss this concept here, we should only emphasize that it is necessary