Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

The pandemic intertwining with mediatization 287 about the manifestations of the pandemic in a vast circuit of institutions and realities, from analytical frameworks that perme- ated teaching and research activities of its authors, in different contexts affected by the pandemic. It is, therefore, just a brief sampling of research and experiments that emanate from the pandemic. It means highlighting the high potential of “university intelligence” to mobilize its instruments to put into operation observational processes about the pandemic that go beyond the borders of the campuses. These data were extracted from a book that brought together the work of more than 60 authors on the pandemic, ac- cording to different angles and perspectives of analysis in com- municational terms and were in interface with university scientific production and the observed realities (WESCHENFELDER et at., 2021). Such texts offer perspectives of several natures and already enter the university as material when thematizing the pandemic according to different angles of the mediatization in process. They are writings literally produced in various sce- narios of the pandemic. Articles resulted from interviews when the issues presented were discussed and broadcast on the You- Tube channel of CISECO – Centro Internacional de Semiótica e Comunicação - and later edited in a publication whose nature goes beyond a book since they are studies in processes and are returning to the university, migrating to other work forums, making a move to follow the pandemic, according to an analytical instrument dynamized by temporalities and procedures and also through the intertwining caused by the mediatization in process. Therefore, the university environment is not just a sounding board for a new way of being in the world. Its actors and work tools are a condition for the production of a world that also is organized by this environment and a producer of meanings according to complex links and interactions with other sys- tems and their social and discursive practices. Aspects that pointed out the university as a mediational entity preserve some of its characteristics. However, trac- es of new configurations emerge and cross temporalities and discursive materialities, giving rise to marks of mediatization