Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

The pandemic intertwining with mediatization 289 The university is a kind of complex observation system because its institutional trajectory and its expertise – theoreti- cal, methodological, and epistemological – return to observe the interactions of the second degree, involving the relationships between social actors or between them and other institutions (VERÓN, 2011). We understand that the nature of this observational activity is configured as a complex work that transcends the transmission/circulation of signs issue. It is because the univer- sity, even though it handles meanings formulated by enunciative positions of other instances under observation, can only carry out its strategies based on – real or presumed – operations de- veloped by other institution(s) with which it is in contact. As Palo Alto studies on interactional issues affirm, “it is impossible not to communicate since everything communi- cates” when reflecting on symbolic interactionism. These two worlds – social systems and socio-individual systems – are ir- reducible because they are self-referential and self-organizing; however, they interpenetrate through several protocols, according to discursive practices permeated by presumable effects, but they do not perform unilaterally. The meaning effects between the university and society can only be described and understood from the coupling of their practices. They are expressed in the heterogeneity of discourses, whose operations and marks of their productive and circulatory works allude to the different logics, temporalities, and rationalities according to which they emerge on their own discursive surfaces. The issues presented so far suggest thinking that the university’s observational and operational work on other sys- tems (social and socio-individual) and vice versa is carried out on a spatiotemporal scale characterized by the progressive and complex manifestation of media phenomena that, in turn, are also transformed and specified in different periods: from the society characterized by the presence of the mass media to the one whose ambiance and social organization is permeated and surrounded – in broad and progressive terms – by the logics and operations of mediatization processes. As we have registered, we studied the relations of AIDS with media discourses, examining how this modality of social