Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Authors 296 nicação from Universidade Federal de Brasília (1977), a doctoral degree in Sciences de La Comunication Et de L’information - Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales - France (1982) and a post-doctoral degree from UFRJ – RJ (1990). Researcher 1A at CNPq; Member of the Scientific Committee at CNPq (com- munication area); Ad hoc consultant for CNPq and Fundação Carlos Chagas. He is a professor at Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS); a former professor at UFRJ, UFPb, UnB and PUC-Minas. Collaborating professor at the Professional Master’s Course in Journalism at UFPB Campus João Pessoa. President of Centro Internacional de Semiótica e Comunicação (CISECO). Co-founder of Associação Nacional de Programas de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação. Author of the books: Mortes em derrapagem (1991); O impeachment da televisão (1995); Ensinando à TV Escola (2001), Desconstruindo os sentidos (2001), Lula Presidente – Televisão e política na campanha eleitoral (2003), O mundo das mídias (2004). ORCID: https:// LATTES: http://lattes.cnpq. br/6946599956105105. E-MAIL: Ciro Marcondes Filho He created the Nova Teoria de Comunicação, which is the foundation of the Communication Field in human sciences from the maturity and operationalization of the communica- tion concept of his investigation, in particular, the metáporo. He had a degree in Social Sciences and Journalism (USP/SP), held a Ph.D. degree from Frankfurt University, and a post-doctoral study from Grenoble University (France). He was a professor at ECA-USP since 1987. At FiloCom, he published, in 2002 and 2004, the first and second volumes of the trilogy Nova Teoria da Comunicação. In 2010/11, with the publication of five volumes of Book III, he completed the work of Nova Teoria. In 2011, he proposed the creation of Rede Nacional de Grupos de Pesqui- sa em Comunicação, binding several research centers from all over Brazil. He worked as a lecturer throughout the country and abroad and produced around 50 books in communication areas: journalism, politics, philosophy, and psychoanalysis. He was the