Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Authors 299 municação, Informação e Inovação emSa de (RECIIS) and as coor- dinator of the Graduate Program in Informação e Comunicação em Saúde (PPGICS). He has more tan 10 books published, including: Representações midiáticas da sa de, Televisão e memória: entre testemunhos e confissões e Dias Gomes: um intelectual comunista nas tramas comunicacionais. He has research experience in commu- nication, history, and health, dedicating himself, particularly, to the following topics: television; history of communication; social memory; biographical narratives; media representations; subjec- tivation processes, and discourses on body, health, and diseases. He also coordinates the Núcleo de Estudos em Comunicação, História e Saúde (Nechs). ORCID: 1509-4778. LATTES: E-MAIL: Jairo Ferreira Postdoctoral degree in communication from UNR (Argentina). Degree in Jornalismo (UFRGS, 1982) and Ciências Econômicas (UFRGS, 1992), master in Sociologia (UFRGS, 1997) and Ph.D. in Informática na Educação (UFRGS, 2002), with an inter-university exchange doctorate at the Jean Piaget Archives and at the Educational Technologies Unit from the School of Psychology and Education, University of Geneva (2000). CapesPaped Award 2001. He coordinates the projects Mediatização: inferências empíricas, epistemológicas e metodológicas da pes- quisa de mídia no Brasil e na Suécia (CAPES/STINT) and the project International Seminar on Research on Mediatization and Social Processes, north-south dialogues, in its IV Edition (2020), which gathers around 200 researchers annually. He coordinated the creation and still is the editor of the journal Questões Trans- versais – Revista de Epistemologias da Comunicação. In 2016, he formulated and coordinated the International Seminar on Research on Mediatization and Social Processes project. He co- ordinated the Project / PROCAD entitled Crítica Epistemológi- ca – Análisede de investigações em curso, based on epistemological criteria for reflective and praxiological developments in Communication research with researchers from UFG, UFJF,