Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Authors 300 and Unisinos. He also coordinated the Escola de Altos Estudos Project entitled Midiatização, técnica e tecnologías de informa- ção e comunicação, which included the participation of Bernard Miège, Serge Proulx, and Patrice Flichy, with whom he organized three related books in 2016. He coordinated the Working Group on Epistemology at COMPÓS between 2004 and 2006. He orga- nized around two dozen books and published about 100 chapters and articles on the themes of epistemologies of communica- tion and mediatization. He works mainly on the following topics: communication epistemologies, mediatization, dispositifs, media fields, and circulation. When this book was published, he was a Professor at the Graduate Program in Ciências da Comunicação at UNISINOS. ORCID: LATTES: E-MAIL: José Luiz Aidar Prado Professor at the Graduate Program in Comunicação e Semiótica at PUC-SP. He holds a doctorate degree from PUC-SP and a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from USP. He is the editor of the journal Galáxia. He coordinated the research project A invenção do Outro na mídia semanal – construção de um banco de dados hipermidiático, and Regimes de visibilidade em revistas (research group website at diasetedias), which culminated in the publication of two DVDs in hypermedia. He was a member of evaluation committees in the Communication area at CAPES (2010 and 2017) and CNPq (periods 2010-2013 and 2019-2022). He was Vice President of Compós. In addition to DVDs, he published the books Habermas com Lacan and Convocações biopolíticas dos dispositivos comunicacionais, in addition to several collections and scientific articles. He is a co-organizer of Síntoma e fantasía no capitalismo comunicacional. He coordinates the Research Group on Printed Media (and Discourse), certified by PUC-SP and CNPq. ORCID: https:// LATTES: http://lattes.cnpq. br/8833752667337994. E-MAIL: