Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

This book from the IV Seminar Debate Panels, in an e-book edition, is available not only on the project collection (https:// but also at FACOS UFSM ( ras/facos/publicacoes/). We reaffirm our thanks to Capes, Fapergs, CNPq, and Stint (Sweden) for the funding essential to the vi- ability of this conversation proposal The book presents all this in four parts (not according to the panels held dur- ing the Seminar but considering the pres- ent angulations): Mediatization and the social construction of reality; Logic, algo- rithms, platforms, and metrics; Event, cir- culation, and consumption; Production of knowledge/criticism, power, social media- tization. Lucrécia Ferrara’s presentation re- flects on the set and each of the chapters of this edition.