Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

The Communicational Construction of Reality 37 cause the question is, exactly, what is the role of the university today? I think the university only exists for this reason: to inter- fere in the social, cultural, political, ideological, etc. That’s where university knowledge interferes, and then I think it’s the only effective, real role of the university. That was it. I don’t know if Braga is satisfied. Braga: Absolutely. Yes, for sure Ciro: For Braga, I would play the ping-pong game here, returning to him the question: does the very theory he is devel- oping interfere or not with knowledge and practical knowledge? I mean, to what extent is there a productive interface between what he writes, as an excellent theorist, and the community in general, society. To what extent does society absorb, incorporate, use what it produces? That would be my question. Braga: Okay. Let’s try it, Ciro. We will try. In fact, I don’t have a general theory of communication. I believe that communication develops and will develop for a long time to come through intermediate theories. Even the theories considered general theories of communication are intermediate, in the sense that they cannot cover all the complexity of the commu- nicational phenomenon. They are intermediate theories. Well, my perspective is that it is necessary to understand what is happening in social experimentation, focusing, for example, on the issue of digital networks. We realize that society is experienc- ing intensely. A good part of these experiments are not favorable to civilization. For example, it is strongly experimented to- day in Brazil and in the world, experiments are carried out with fake news, with hate speeches. They are experimentation with technological affordances. At the same time, we have excellent experiences in productivity and creativity. It is necessary to un- derstand the internal logic of such experiences. The good and the bad experiences, because it is necessary to make a specific and internal critique of each experimental process, and I believe that this is the only way to try to reinforce the good experiences and dismantle the experiences that are contrary to civilization. I believe that we are passing through a period today, this instability of the current period, which corresponds to great danger to civilization. And I think that the world political situa- tion, with the advance of the extreme right, is strongly related to