Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

The Communicational Construction of Reality 39 linked for a long time to what is referred to here as rationality, that rationality is what explained, in quotation marks, commu- nication, when in fact my position is that these concepts are not applicable. We don’t explain, we don’t give an opinion about it. We are feeling and somehow we try to express it through art, through unconventional formulas of communicability, which are expressed in an indirect way through art, communication, poetry, manifestations until then considered minor in our area. Well, I don’t have much more to say about it, but it’s a topic that I invest a lot in it. That was it. Jairo: Thank you verymuch, Ciro, thank you verymuch, Braga. Professor Isabel, please ask your question. You can pres- ent in English or Portuguese, as you wish. Isabel Löfgren: Thank you very much for the speech- es, thank you very much for your exposure, it is very interest- ing to be able to go back to the roots of where we are now, so I think that sometimes this kind of discussion we carry on in our classes, in our writings. So I think it’s interesting for us to delve deeper into why we got into this discipline in the first place. I agree that we have to look deeper into the mediatization that is taking place now, that there is a risk of understanding the ef- fects and reactions, instead of acting, being proactive; instead of proposing solutions, we remain in the apathy of the reaction. So, this is a challenge for us, if we can call it, the phenomenon of mediatization, and I would like to ask a general question, how do you see us researchers in the important role of proposing new epistemologies? So that we don’t fall into the situation of just analyzing what is happening, into the trap. Ciro: I want to say that the question is very important, not only for her but for all of us, researchers. A question that I think bothers all of us because it provokes us, it makes us think about what we are actually doing at the university. Because so that it doesn’t become merely bureaucratic work, which I think is the anguish of all of us and that needed to be worked on at every moment. I was particularly attacked by this kind of rest- lessness that led me to rethink the issue of communication be- cause my previous studies were dispersed studies in relation to their object. So, once I had returned to Brazil, I realized that I really needed to go deeper into something. So, I chose exactly