Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Ciro Marcondes 40 that issue, communication. It is necessary to work on this topic in which everyone talks and it seems that no one understands each other. That there was a great, very inaccurate use of this word and that the studies; they end up going to other fields, like sociology, politics, psychology, history, but that didn’t focus ex- actly on that object. So, I thought: you have to go deep into this to offer the field a proposal. That’s what I’ve done, what I’ve tried to do during these last 21 years, unfolding the concept of com- munication from antiquity, and for me, that was an occupation that filled that question. I proposed a theory that was not just about analyzing, as mentioned here but simply repeating what others have al- ready said. I proposed something new in the area with the new theory, and it gave me that tranquility, that peace, that seren- ity of a discoverer. And it somehow made me focus on a specific theme, which justified my academic action. That was it.