Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Sapiens... Qui nesciat. Social learning and the mediatized homo sapiens 49 Due to its impact on the processes of the cultural environment in which social invention emerged, a cascading repercussion on multiple social, cultural, and political processes is observed, such as new problems and challenges, wanderings, and readjustments that require repeated “strategic fulfillment” (FOUCAULT, 1994). In the social construction of such devices, each effect, positive and negative, desired or un- desired, echoes or contradicts the others and calls for a resumption, a readjustment, of the heterogeneous elements that appear here or there. On the other hand, a process of perpetual strategic fulfill- ment (FOUCAULT, 1994, p. 299). Given the novelty and complexity of the invention itself, interactional groups do not fully master their logic and possibili- ties – still in the process of tentative agencement for the specific situations in which they are activated. In other words: process- es in constitution could not have their own ready and stabilized structures. They are developed in their experimental exercise. It implies that the starting “functionalities” of inter- actional inventions do not exactly express their potential reach – successively requesting new social inventions (new coping learning) as possibilities brokered in the context of the prob- lems that arise in the wake of the experiments themselves. This hypothesis (supported by specialist interpretations regarding the emergence of oral language, by the history of writing development, and by our direct knowledge of media- tization, which is becoming the interactional process of reference) allows us to infer that those intensive developments of interactional potentialities generate broader social instability – requiring a more or less long phase of readjustment of social processes. It activates a period of experimentation, and strategic fulfillment, in which ready-made knowledge becomes insecure or even contested as a basis for learning. The available knowledge suffers a retreat while there is still no steady knowledge to replace it. Society is driven, even by the need for recovery, to an intensification of invention learning.