Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Sapiens... Qui nesciat. Social learning and the mediatized homo sapiens 57 Is it possible to think of interfaces between the communicative capacity to learn and create col- lectively and pedagogy that involves teaching and learning horizontally among the knowledge of masters and students permeated by recipro- cal listening to solve problems and develop new epistemes? .8. In the logic of the presented argumentation, the cir- cumstances show that contemporary mediatization requires that the species, recognizing the characteristic of being the qui nesciunt, effectively exercise its sapiens competence to develop the social capacity of learning to learn. Perhaps the conditions of the offer provide this possibility – if they work in the process of experimentation, invention, and criticism. References BRAGA, José Luiz. Crítica na Sociedade Midiatizada. In: RIZZOTO, Carla Cândida (ed.) A gente se vê por aqui – Práticas e reflexões sobre Crítica da Mídia, Londrina: Syntagma, 2017, p. 22-42. Available at: br//Uploads/UploadBass/1707900_GENTELIVRO.pdf. BRAGA, José Luiz. Interviewgiven to Ângelo Neckel. Midiaticom. São Leopoldo, Linha de Pesquisa Midiatização e Proces- sos Sociais, PPG em Ciências da Comunicação, Unisinos, 2020a . Available at: trevista-o-dispositivo-interacional-de-aprendizagem- e-o-homo-sapiens-midiatizado/. BRAGA, José Luiz. Aprendizagens contextuais e o processo co- municacional. In: FAUSTO NETO, Antônio; WESCHEN- FELDER, Aline (eds.). Comunicação, Aprendizagens e Sentidos: difusão, mediação, interfaces, bifurcações. Campina Grande: EDUEPB, 2020b, p. 51-70. E-book.. Availabale at: academico/livros-do-ciseco.