Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Sandra Massoni 62 pose as a trigger a reflection about the dominant research in Social Sciences. I begin by sharing with you a memory, an image that often appeared in my head many years ago, at the end of the 1990s while I was taking some of the seminars that I took during my period of study in the Doctorate at Universidad de Buenos Aires, in Argentina. I clarify that, in that distant time, there were still no communication doctorates in my country. Communication was a topic studied mainly by sociologists, economists, an- thropologists, semiologists, or engineers researchers; and so, I went through readings of classical and contemporary authors from various other disciplines whose research work was pre- dominantly to describe or explain, but mainly to describe com- munication. When, from the proposals of these authors, we categorized the actors in a field investigation, this image that I show here appeared to me: Figure 1 Or sometimes this other one, about a beautiful and strange creature with butterfly wings and fur like a kitten or like a bear: