Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Eneus Trindade 80 That is: we should explain that Martín-Barbero’s (2001) theory of mediations is not equal to mediatization theo- ries. However, we work with the possibility of what authors such as Couldry and Hepp (2013) present as currents of mediatization studies, and in terms of approximation to Martín-Barbero’s ideas about the concept of communicational mediations in cul- tures since both concepts (mediations and mediatization) seek to understand the processes that correspond to the modes of presence and performance of the media in the transformations of cultures, which is the aspect worth mentioning here because our interpretation of the issues of definitions of mediation and mediatization of consumption have already been addressed in Trindade and Perez (2016). In this moment of reflection, we are specifically inter- ested in the issues of communicational mediations in consump- tion, based on algorithms as mediatizing instances of everyday life. Algorithms are important for defining new cultural patterns of interaction, which is a prominent aspect of media studies in contemporaneity. It is not uncommon to find news in business newspa- pers or corporate websites dealing with investments and gains in competitiveness from the applications (apps) usage. In the Brazilian case, in retail, Grupo de Supermercados Pão de Açúcar invests in an application for online food commerce3. In the Unit- ed States, the brand Adidas declares an increase of more than 1,000% in the average ticket in e-commerce sales thanks to the use of the “Complete The Look4” app, which offers combinations of other products, from the consultation of a single item, basing their matches in info similar consumer’s profiles on a consumer database. The examples, most of them in retail, indicate a transformation in the actions of purchasing and selling but interfere in the logic of consumption in various segments of products and 3 Available at: noticia/7897626/grupo-investe-em-apps-para-avancar-no-varejo-online-de- comida. Access on Jan. 30,2019. 4 Available at: tou-a-receita-de-seu-e-commerce-usando-inteligencia-artificial/?fbclid=IwAR1 IX8F2C98xpT8TLhWi8ptO5zSbnopo5NlUsKeIfACJyp2iIccaY8qlc78.