Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Eneus Trindade 82 possibility of pragmatic understanding of the algorithmic advertising for cultural dynamics of the consumption in its new writings modality, and in specific contexts, such as the Brazil- ian, for example. In this sense, it is worth clarifying that the text will be organized in the following axes: the discussion of algorithmic advertising and narratives as sociocultural inscriptions, which will be added to the debates on algorithmic interactions in the relationships between brands and consumers. The manifesta- tions of brand-consumer interactions here take place inspired by risky interactions (LANDOWSKI, 2014) adapted to algorith- mic advertising mediation relationships, considering the strains between programmed, accidental, manipulation, and adjustment regimes of interactions. The four possibilities of meanings of risky interactions allow us to see modalities of communicative actions between brands and consumers in the mediation of the algorithms, namely: the programmed one refers to the actions determined in the affordances of the brands’ interaction platforms with consumers; the interaction in the adjustment works with the calcu- lations of occurrences in the face of the most recurrent uses of the interaction processes between brands and consumers proposing actions, promotions indicated in the small data profile worked by the uses of the audiences of the platforms or applica- tions reorganized by the algorithms. The manipulation considers the manifestation of algorithm selection against the calcu- lations of relevant recurrences in the interaction of consumer brands and programming interests; finally, the accident configures the interaction regimes in the order of less foreseen ele- ments of a poetic/aesthetic tone, but possible to happen, which make the meaning process of interactions gain some degree of unpredictability or even novelty. This perspective seeks to offer, from the theoretical frame described, a communicational reading of advertising, given the possibilities of adjusting the algorithms to the realities of consumption, what explains our option for the theory of media- tions as a theoretical support that makes it possible to understand the contexts of the digital humanities in their sociocultural heterogeneities and permanent negotiation processes.