Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Eneus Trindade 88 the logic of regularities, strained by randomness that, in its turn, make the strains between logics of intentionality that contradict each other, facing the logics of the sensible and allowing the ad- justment by this sensitive aspect towards an accidental possibility (event), which can be good or bad. The author emphasizes that semiotics, in Greimas’ proposition, has always been concerned with the programmed and manipulative dimension of the senses and that it has given little space to the accidental and adjustment, which is precisely the space of the aesthetic experience, in terms of communication experienced in media uses and consumption with cultural products, including brand messages and advertising. Algorithms as devices of humanity are no exception to this maxim. But its writing condition is subjacent as a math- ematical meta-language, constitutive of digital humanity, there- fore, of realities in its condition of mediation, as Couldry and Hepp (2017, p. 125-128) call when considering the mediatiza- tion of data, or datafication of realities. The interaction by algorithms considers the regimes of programming, manipulation, adjustment, and accident, the lat- ter two being the result of the circulation processes and the me- dia uses and consumption of digital platforms and which, by the AI conditions, adjust to the possibilities of the identified data in the real dynamics of interactions. At the same time, such an action in the uses of algorithms in theory hypothetically directs us to the accidental, as Landowski (2014, p. 72) thinks, but, in the case of commercial consumption, it seems that the adjustment is always co-opted by the purposes of the intentionality of the commercial produc- tion, converting, in the sequence, into a manipulated possibility of occurrence when the accident is of interest. The AI mechanisms seem to seek the agile overcoming of the adjustment and cancellation of the accidental (not interesting) by the allotropic order of the permanent self-organization of the algorithm programming. It allows the occurrence of the accident as a record that tends to be incorporated or annulled. It is relevant to say that in the risks of the meanings, the accidental aspect can be good or bad for the brand and/ or the consumers. The accident as an event capable of altering