Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Eneus Trindade 92 to the understanding of how the ecosystem of brands is discursively represented in communications about the digital and in the suggestions that provide for the uses of algorithmic logics in consumption. This type of work shows in the action of the brand media agents a logic of the current time that confers the representative status of the digital meaning to the imaginary of social life in the experienced moment. These studies can have a synchronic and diachronic character, allowing the comparison between the representation forms of each temporal/spatial con- text in its updates in time and space. Hepp (2014) emphasizes the importance of synchronic and diachronic studies to understand the reality mediated by communication, by the mediatizing action of the media in time/ space, that is, in the contexts in which they are circumscribed as synchrony reflects the actuality of the phenomenon, and dia- chrony allows understanding it in the confrontation with the different media configurations of previous contexts. Communi- cational configurations are specificities to be analyzed in their actuality and historical meanings, envisioning possible communicational configurations in a future perspective. The second aspect concerns a study with users-con- sumers on the perceptions they have about the consumption algorithms in their lives to understanding the types of the logic of appropriation of such references in everyday life. This kind of research is in line with the work of Bucher (2017), who, as previously mentioned, discusses the imaginary of perceptions about algorithms and brings into play the discussion of the ef- fects and reception that present themselves as an approach with high potential to be explored in the research field on the subject. Finally, studies on digital interactions presuppose - as a constitutive process for semio-pragmatic analysis - the understanding of enunciation processes in digital networks that would support the understanding of their logic and narrative flows. Here, Bruno Latour’s (2012) perspective of the Actor-Network fits together as an articulating element of narrative flows in digital networks, observing the brands, their expressiveness, not only as discourses but as actants and actors of the process, perceiving in the semantic syntax of these flows the narrative programs of the actants and their manifestations in discourses