Mediatized Sapiens: Communicational knowledge

Eneus Trindade 94 It means affirming that the semio-pragmatic perspective is limited to an understanding of medium-range phenom- ena related to their contextual characteristics. Media studies are limited to contexts and cannot be understood in a generalized way. This aspect is also observed in Stig Hjarvard’s (2013) ap- proaches to mediatization, which include mediatization studies as research objects limited to specific contexts. It means affirming that the proposed semio-pragmatics aligns with the perspectives of studies of communicational me- diations as suggested by Martín-Barbero (2001, p. 16-21) since the algorithms in their communicational action would be at the center of the political, sociocultural, and economic life of reali- ties of everyday consumption. This author’s intermedialities, as subdimensions of the main cultural mediations, manifested by the logics of production and consumption, and cultural matrices and industrial formats in which these devices are shaped in cultural life. Thus, the specific ways of manifesting the institution- ality of brands in their ways of generating sociabilities and cog- nitive processes about consumption practices, such as cultural practices, along with consumers who, through the mediation of communicational interactions, via algorithms and uses of digital platforms, present rituals of uses and consumption that are specific to the relational universes of consumption of brands with their consumers in their appropriations and contexts. In this sense, we rescued the principle that advertising algorithms are constituents of consumption realities while, at the same time, they are co-fabricated by the realities that are inserted, being the study of cultural mediations combined with the perspective of the semio-pragmatics of relations between brands and consumers, a privileged way to understand this phe- nomenology of symbolic materiality that ideologically shapes the meanings of the social, supported by a philosophical-theo- retical axis in media studies, which allow a more powerful con- figuration of the theoretical regionality of communication, an aspect that, at the beginning of the text, was presented from the foundations of Couldry and Hepp (2017, p. 139-140), who de- fend the philosophical-theoretical position that contemporary reality is mediatized, mediated by the communicational condi-