Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Natalia Raimondo Anselmino 120 2. The #RosarioSangra case The chosen case is named from the tag #RosarioSangra. As explained in Raimondo Anselmino, Reviglio, and Echecopar (2018), using a phrase that, in a certain way, became a slogan — in the sense that Canetti (1981) gives to this term, that is, as a kind of “battle cry” - a diverse set of social discourses on inse- curity 7 were activated and brought together. The phenomenon analyzed took place in Rosario, which is one of the main urban conglomerates in Argentina, in terms of population size, and, for some years now, has been in a context of high social sensitivity as far as security is concerned, especially concerning criminal acts linked to drug trafficking. During the second semester of 2016, a series of massive marches took place calling for “security and justice” triggered by a string of three violent homicides. The journalistic coverage of these events strongly thematized the security problem; that is, — as indicated in Raimondo Anselmino et al. (2018) - both the printed press and television and radio promoted an informative treatment that brought together different events in the indication of a problem that has public significance, and demands a solution. Among the discursive operations observed, one may note, for in- stance, that the principal local newspaper, La Capital, fromAugust 18 began to use, in its printed edition, a kind of pseudo section called “Violent Times” to cover both the news around themurders and, later, the marches studied and their political repercussions. It is a procedure of amalgamation between citizen mobilizations and previous criminal events. To these operations of diagram- ming and putting on the page were also added others, oriented to the “construction of a solid relational structure for the facts” (Van Dijk cited in FERNÁNDEZ PEDEMONTE, 2001), promoted by dis- cursive strategies, such as the connection of facts or not, and the framing in the same phenomenon: Such is the case of the image of the wave, a meta- phor built on the ideas of advance, growth, pull, 7 Insecurity is understood here as a sociological pre-notion, that is, “a way of explaining the reality of common sense rather than a concept developed by the social sciences” (KESSLER, 2015, p. 11).