Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Collectives, circulation of social discourses, and citizen mobilization: the case of #RosarioSangra 121 and, eventually, withdrawal, which is repeatedly noticed in the analyzed media: “wave of crimes” (RosarioPlus, El Ciudadano, Rosario3), “Crime wave” (RosarioPlus, El Ciudadano), “wave of vio- lence” (La Capital). In this same sense, the image of the wave is complemented by others that also refer to meanings of continuity and growth: “escalation of homicides” (Rosario/12), “anguishing string of crimes” (La Capital), “mortal saga” (El Ciudadano) (RAIMONDO ANSELMINO et al., 2018, p. 39). Image 1 - Serialization of the pseudo section “Violent times” Source: Author elaboration with hemerographic material. The three crimes mentioned above, without connec- tion to each other, occurred in a period of ten days. In the first place, during the first fortnight of August 2016, the disappear - ance and subsequent discovery of the body of the young Fabricio Zulatto; four days later, the murder of Nahuel Ciarroca on the occasion of attempted theft of his mobile phone, and; lastly, the death of Héctor Villalba at the hands of a group of criminals who carried out an “entry”, that is, an assault when the victim entered his home T . he local media gave great coverage to these three cas- es, whose victims met specific characteristics that worked in fa - vor of identification by citizens: all belonged to the middle class, and the first two were young students, while the last a “ man of work.” In this way, these three crimes functioned as catalysts for