Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Collectives, circulation of social discourses, and citizen mobilization: the case of #RosarioSangra 129 Image 6 - Temporal distribution of tweets studied during the day of the march Source: Elaborated by the research group. It is how, with the effective presence of many bodies in the march and the replicas of those bodies on the “networks,” a whole communication collective was created that exceeded the image of the “public mourner” that each relative of a victim of insecurity assumes. Following Verón (2001), we understand that every communication group is always an audience (face-to-face or virtual). A public, a communication collective that - as Verón (2002) also thought in relation to the “cacerolazos 13 ” of early 2002 in Argentina 14 - knows itself as a point in a network, that is, 13 A protest in which people bang pans. 14 Reference is made here to an unpublished text by the author, dated by himself at the “dawn of January 11, 2002”, which is part of the materials summarized in the Eliseo Verón Archive (, under the supervision of Universid Nacional de las Artes.