Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Collectives, circulation of social discourses, and citizen mobilization: the case of #RosarioSangra 133 At the same time, all the newspapers also took care to highlight, among other characteristics, their non-partisan condition F . inally, in the fourth place, regarding the treatment of information sources, we noted that the most cited were, as is of- ten the case, the “official”. However, in addition to the latter, the privileged place granted to some socio-individual actors who participate in the collectives of relatives of the victims of inse- curity stands out, especially those “notable” relatives who enjoy public recognition that exceeds their mourning 15 . 5. Final considerations It is impossible to affirm that there is “a” gestation place for social mobilization of these characteristics. Rather, we can say that the different regimes of visibility constantly intersect inextricably. It is due to the complexity of the case and the grow- ing complexity of current societies (VERÓN, 2013), in which, more and more, it is difficult to dissociate the non-mediatized individual experience from the collective media-constructed ex- perience. Thus, this type of situation proliferates, which Verón (2002) called, on one occasion, a subjective multimedia experi- ence because “every semiotic network connects, today” - Verón said already at the dawn of the 21st century - “the daily and the media, and by definition, has areas of uncertainty” (p. 9). The intersection between the different visibility re- gimes is, therefore, neither linear nor unidirectional. For exam- ple, in the production grammars of the discourses of the march- es’ organizers, the recognition of specific modes of functioning, both mass-media and typical of media platforms, is observed. It is evidenced in some of the posts published in the “Conver- sation” tab of the event 16 created in the public Facebook group 15 Among the testimonies most frequently collected by the press are those of En- rique Bertini - a recognized businessman from the city of Rosario who was a candidate for councilor in the last local elections - and Eduardo Trasante - an evangelical pastor who was a councilor for Ciudad Futura and resigned from the bank in December 2018 following a harassment complaint. 16 Available at: (recuper- ado el 18/09/2019).