Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Ada C. Machado da Silveira 166 they sought to express the incorporation of a social agenda that was causing new forms of coexistence in Brazil. Journalistic in- novation indicated that the exhaustion of the order of news was being proven, its hidden and explicit logics. The activity of the reference media, with its hierarchical power in the news system, ends up directly affecting what journalism studies have conse- crated as news values, news agenda, and productive routines. Digital convergence and, in the Brazilian case, struc- tured news in media oligopolies determine an impact on the maintenance of shared rules, norms, and practices based on structured professional practice in more than a century of news activity. Taking the organizational prism, which is defined as journalistic mediation, it is pertinent to study its permanent re- construction (see, about this, PALLAS; FREDRIKSSON, 2013). Seeking to apprehend the news phenomenon through decolonial ways, the notion of news is affirmed, resulting from the understanding of a news order that reproduces the percep- tion of a given social order. That was how, at a certain moment, the changes of society in economic growth started to animate the news report of new social relations. The debate on news and social exclusion, with the relevant recovery of notions of class and representation, allowed to expose the emergence of new news perspectives. The phenomenon of updating news about the periphery by increasing its purchasing power provides sub- sidies for understanding a broader issue: the complexity that in- volves the social production of meaning in times of mediatized society that has consumption as one of its primordial defining principles. 8 The appearance of social networks poses a profound questioning on journalistic work. Many collectives, as militant groups in social movements are called, have vetoed collabora- tion with professional journalistic activity. However, external threats to journalism date back a long time. The emergence of the shared communication scenario supposes the recognition of overcoming the informational paradigm in favor of the interac- 8 The research group “Communication, identity, and frontiers” (CIFront-CNPq) has developed this perspective, and has published a set of works on it (HART- MANN; SILVEIRA, 2018; SILVEIRA; GUIMARÃES, 2016; SILVEIRA; GUIMARÃES; SCHWARTZ, 2017).