Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Surveillance of the watchmen: analytics of mediatization and newsworthiness 167 tional paradigm. When studying the origins of journalistic activ- ity, literary journalism and its deontology impregnated with the values ​of modernity are identified. In opposition to it, it stands out business journalism imbued with the values ​of an interna- tional market for goods and services, globalization. In the wake of this, collaborative journalism emerges, promoting new bases for journalistic credibility. If, on the part of society, the commu- nicational questioning of journalistic mediation is observed, on the part of the corporation the opposite is observed, that is, the exhaustion of the communicational approach by journalism ac- customed to the centrality of the professional environment in the communicative chain. The media was seen as an independent institution, and this value was deeply dear to journalism, its source of social le- gitimacy. With mediatization, however, institutions and modes of interaction change when perceiving the growing influence of the media (HJARVARD, 2012, p. 65). Journalism cannot be con- ceived outside of this scope, even though the Brazilian journal- ism research community has deepened a perspective that makes it emancipated from broader communication processes. It is a position that opposes the precepts of other research communi- ties, such as Swedish researchers who point out that mediati- zation research proposes an open agenda, in which transdisci- plinary and transparadigmatic tasks are outlined. They point to the urgency of studying aspects of historicity, specificity, and measurability as a research agenda (EKSTROM et al., 2016). In the wake of the previous considerations, I register introductory notes on the development of a research agenda in mediatization and journalism, considering, at first, aspects of the historicity of the processes. 4. Research on mediatization and journalism Adopting the perspective outlined by Hepp, Hjarvard, and Lundby (2015), and taking the purpose of studying how “historical changes are understood”, the present text seeks to highlight some aspects that mark the transformation that Bra- zilian journalism has undergone in the last 25 years of stabili-