Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Surveillance of the watchmen: analytics of mediatization and newsworthiness 169 ties considered threatening to social peace. Briefly, I would like to highlight both interventions authorized for the National Force to be summoned to control activities, that of 2007 and that of 2018, alongside actions in other States of the Federation. Those were moments of expansion of mediatization in the production of news in which the National Force was observed carrying out interventions in the city of Rio de Janeiro, and consecrating a perspective at the same time political, police, and military to deal with events. The question that remains is whether the intensifica - tion of the political-police-military agenda in the coverage of reference media and digital social media was guided by what Göran Bolin and Anne Jersley (2018) highlighted from Andre- jevic when he pointed out the “surveillance acclimatization”. His call for the dossier on “surveillance through media, by media, in media” pointed to different conditions. The logic supported there allows us to interpret that, in the specific case of the Bra - zilian media, it operates to strengthen itself as a beloved agent of the surveillance regime 10 . Returning to the concerns about the actions of impe- rialism, evoked by Deacon and Stanyer (2014), and highlighted at the beginning of this text, David Spurr (2013) dedicated him- self to recognizing the presence of colonial discourse in jour- nalism, with particular attention to surveillance processes. He highlights the post-colonial by two conditions, the second be- ing an intellectual project, and a cross-cultural condition that, together with specific possibilities, involves a “crisis of identity and representation” (SPURR, 2013, p. 25). I understand that the consequences of the mentioned crisis are just beginning to be perceived, and its consequences may explain the popularity of content from a non-professional origin, especially fake news. It is in such an unstable context that the renewability of news is established, and it allows us to perceive the transition in news activity from an institutionalist tradition to another, of 10 Through the reading of Michel Foucault (2008), we began to pay attention to the problematic triad that involves security, territory, and population, aspects present in a significant part of our investigations, notably those made on the panoptic pretensions analyzed in Brazilian weekly magazines (DALMOLIN; SIL- VEIRA, 2016; SILVEIRA; GUIMARÃES; DALMOLIN, 2013).