Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Surveillance of the watchmen: analytics of mediatization and newsworthiness 171 structures linked to the reference media to incorporate the pe- ripheral. I understand that its activity operates superficially and is only supported by figures of media prestige and popular ap- peal by well-known personalities. Thus, I seek to contrast the journalistic coverage of national and metropolitan peripheries carried out by the national media with the local media. In the course of our investigations, we observed how this memory marks, in the same communicative style, the re- porters from the periphery and the images transmitted from the Other reported when they point to the sharing experiences, and the representation of the mediated periphery, in a style based on belonging to the imaginary of the territory and the mediatized periphery, which, despite its particularities, is brought together as if it were one. 5. Final considerations: around the political- police-military agenda When reflecting and arguing about the communica- tional implications resulting from the strain of journalistic me- diation in face of mediatization, the constraints aimed at the de- velopment of newsworthiness in the context of the mediatized society are addressed. Studying the theoretical arguments per- tinent to the conception of journalism as an autonomous disci- pline vis- -vis the field of communication in times of mediatized society rises as a challenge. In parallel, studying the constraints associated with the development of newsworthiness due to the colonial discourse supposes to approach the journalistic activity through an innovative approach. And evaluating aspects related to power relations, and the ascendancy of the reference media in proximity communication involves a complementary dimension to the theme. It is a research program that requires knowing the arguments relevant to the media condition of journalistic activ- ity and the relevance of its framing in the disciplinary field of communication in Brazil. The proposition of analytics of mediatization is defined succinctly in three aspects understood as renewers of newswor- thiness: (a) the updating narratives of the new middle class; (b)